08 October 2024,   04:28
"We do not expect anything from this politically motivated trial," - Savchenko`s lawyer spoke with "Courier"

Courier spoke to Nadia Savchenko`s lawyer before her sentence is announced. Mark Feigin says that the judgment will be harsh and talks about politicized court. He did not rule out that after the verdict the exchange of the Ukrainian pilot may occur.

""We do not expect anything from this politically motivated trial and the result is predictable. Savchenko release is possiblenly only through political negotiations. As for Putin, he wants to see the benefits from the negotiations, but his position has not changed, Savchenko is a hostage and her exchange will be useful for Russia. However, I think, Putin will demand more and will not be satisfied only by exchange of Russian military, "- says Mark Feigin.

Savchenko herself refuses to ask for pardon. As for her health - according to the lawyer, she has some problems due to hunger strike, but overall feels good.