01 October 2024,   03:34
Soso Okhanashvili has not come to Patriarchate since Patriarch reurned to Georgia - Father Michael Botkoveli

The Patriarch"s secretary, Father Michael Botkoveli Patriarch saays that the Patriarch bodyguard, Soso Okhanashvili has not come to the Patriarchate since His Holiness returned from Berlin to Georgia.

Father Michael Botkoveli also confirmed that the Patriarchate Soso Okhanashvili was not in the Patriarchate at that moment

Father Michael did not answers the question - "whether Soso Okhanashvili has left the position of the chief of the Patriarch`s personal protection service " .

Recall that recently it has been reported that Soso Okhanashviliresigned from the position of the head of the Patriarch`s Protection Service .