01 October 2024,   03:35
Mutual accusations and radical statements at Patriarchate

Ilia II"s Secretary resigned today, However he did not notify the Patriarch. Father Michael Botkoveli links his resignation with a controversy of a Head of the Patriarch"s security.
Father Michael Botkovely does not deny that one of the reasons are recent developments, linked with the Cyanide Case .

Another verbal confrontation between Father Michael Botkoveli and Soso Okhanashvili, a Head of Patriarch"s Security took place today. Father Michael Botkoveli stated that Mr. Okhanashvili has not been to the Patriarchate since the Patriarch"s return from Berlin.
Soso Okhanashvili responded to his announcement soon and accused him of lies.

A Former PM of Georgia visited the Patriarch today as well. He has spent 15 minutes at the Patriarchate.
Lawyers of the so-called Cyanide Case visited the Patriarchate as well. After two-hour meeting they underlined that the clergy awaits for father Giorgi Mamaladze"s testimony.