09 October 2024,   13:23
10-year-old boy kill ‘Russian spies’ in latest ISIS execution

ISIS has released a video claiming to show a young boy executing two Russian spies in the Islamic State.

A shocking video posted online Tuesday appears to show ISIS using a young child soldier to execute two alleged Russian spies in Syria.

The slickly-produced video - which bears all the hallmarks of previous ISIS propaganda productions - shows two men being interrogated in Russian about their alleged attempt to infiltrate the jihadi group on behalf of Russia"s FSB spy agency.

In the forced confession one of the men, a Kazakh national, says he was ordered to gather intelligence on a particular ISIS leader and use a flash drive to steal sensitive information to pass on to the FSB. The other alleged spy confesses to having been sent to assassinate a senior ISIS commander.

However, lack of visible injuries on the men and evidence of blood after the killings suggest the executions may be staged for the cameras.