09 October 2024,   11:14
OSCE requires a three-day truce for the evacuation of population in Ukraine

16 people were killed and dozens wounded in the ongoing fighting in the east of Ukraine in the last 24 hours. The "Amnesty International" says that humanitarian situation in the zone of military clashes is "disastrous".
In view of the continuing heavy fighting around Debaltsevo and the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation in the area, the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office calls upon all actors to refrain from violence and to immediately stop all military activities and expresses his profound regret for the loss of lives.OSCE calls on parties of the conflict to establish a local temporary truce for a minimum of three days
for the evacuation of the civilian population.
Russian Foreign Minister has once again responded to the situation in Ukraine. He said, pointing finger at Russia when assessing the conflict is wrong.