27 July 2024,   04:56
President awarded Archil Tutunashvili, who was killed by occupants, with the Order of Honor

The President of Georgia awarded Archil Tatunashvili with the Order of Honor after his death for civic responsibility and personal bravery. Giorgi Margvelashvili handed the state award overto family members of Archil Tutunashvili in the presidential palace today.

President of Georgia Giorgi Margvelashvili believes that Georgia should file an inter-state application against Russia before the European Court of Human Rights regarding Archil Tatunashvili"s murder.

“Thank you very much for growing such a son. We are awarding Archil with the Order of Honor after he passed away and I am convinced that the huge pain that we have experienced with you by Archil’s death will be mitigated when the case is completely investigated and the offenders are punished,” the President said.


The parents of Archil Tatunashvili killed by the occupation regime thanked the president.

Family attorney and deputy executive director of the Human Rights Center Tamar Avaliani said that the organization is already preparing a lawsuit against Russia, which will be lodged with the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg in the nearest future.

Besides, Tamar Avaliani says they are waiting for the investigation into the case in Georgia. According to her, if the investigation is not effectively implemented, it is not excluded that in the name of Tatunashvili"s family, they will file a suit against Georgia as well.

The Human Rights Center is already preparing a complaint against the Russian Federation. We will submit this complaint to the Russian Federation as the only responsible actor who exercises effective control over the occupied South Ossetia territory, "Tamar Avaliani said.