27 July 2024,   05:06
If we boycott television because of particular program and a journalist, who will boycott the Patriarchate? - Mother Sidonia

Mother Sidonia comments the retort, made by the journalist on the TV program " The Choice".

Mother Sidonia writes on her facebook page that the journalist"s statement was uncomfortable for her as well, but the response of the parish and Patriarchy was not right as well.

"Here"s what I think. I don"t like such speeches about the mother of god.

But I think that parish and the Patriarchate do not act better when they express aggression. I do not protect Gabunia, but by the way, he wanted to be a priest at one time.

" How many people have left church like him? Why don"t we support them when they have spiritual crises? "- writes mother Sidonia

Mother Sidonia responded to the fact of cursing Giorgi Gabunia by Rev. Iob. She writes that clergyman used the dignity of the high priest to reveal personal anger.

As for the Patriarchate"s call to boycott the broadcasting company, mother Sidonia writes :

"Well, if we boycott television because of particular program and journalist, who and how should boycott the Patriarchate for example for such unworthy person as I ( and sadly, there are many such members) ? "