27 July 2024,   04:17
Ministry of Education disseminates false information about Ia Kerdzaia"s case - "Courier" gained evidence.

The Ministry of Education disseminates false information about the case of Ia Kerdzaia - the proof of this was obtained by "Courier".High officials of the Ministry said at a special briefing today that there were specific violations in Zugdidi Public School # 6 and that the Board of Trustees shared the remarks.
However, "Courier" gained the final conclusion of the Board of Trustees and found that there is nothing like that. Moreover, the members of the Council categorically disagree with the inspection team, which means that high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Education disseminate false information or try to hide some facts.
Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Natia Zedgenidze-Jishkariani said at today"s briefing that the Board of Trustees shared violations revealed by the General Inspection at the school.
"The School Board of Trustees accepted and agreed with the report prepared by the Ministry on violations and misconduct, but the director had maintained her position. Also, the Ministry of Education did not dismiss the director, "said Natia Zedgenidze-Jishkariani.
The Deputy Minister of Education has completely contradicted the minutes of the Board of Trustees of Zugdidi Public School # 6 , which was attended by 5 members. According to the protocol, they did not agree with the alleged violations that might have caused Ia Kerdzaia"s dismissal.
In the report of the Board of Trustees, one of the members states that the school hygienic conditions were repeatedly monitored by the school principal and the doctor he facts described by the inspection had not been recorded.
"Specifically, the situation in the toilet was caused by water deficit, which is not only the problem of our school but of the entire region," - is noted in the protocol.Teachers talk about the problem of water, that this problem is entirely worrying the region and the director could not solve it.Teachers indicate that before the inspection was conducted at school, Ia Kerdzaia had already addressed the relevant service with a request to provide additional water to the school. According to the teachers, an anonymous call was made at that time.
According to the teachers, the school had not faced such a problem
before and this issue case should not be the reason for dismissal of the director.
Today, representatives of the Ministry of Education blamed various political forces for politicizing the issue.Ia Kerdzaia"s son also commented on the statement made at the Ministry of Education and noted that the government is politicizing the issue. Bachana Shengelia is convinced that this was a premeditated punitive event due to his mother`s political views.