27 July 2024,   04:02
Scientific Research Center "Nakresi" Stops Its Activities - Colleagues express solidarity to Bezhan Lortkipanidze

 Scientific Research Center "Nakresi" - terminates its work - This decision was taken by the Center"s staff as a protest. They express solidarity in this form to Bezhan Lortkipanidze, a researcher of National Geographic, who was detained by law enforcers and was sentenced to preliminary custody as a preventive measure in the case of the June 20 case. Lortkipanidze"s supporters believe that the Prosecutor"s Office had no evidence and the court made a politically motivated decision.
"I will say directly to our donors that we do not have time to find the replacement of Bezhan, the project will stop and we are asking these organizations to raise their voice, and we will not do anything better to save Bezhan from the prison. All of us are obliged to rebuild this country," said Irakli Shavgulidze, chairman of the Board of "Nakresi" Scientific Research Center.
Irakli Macharashvili, head of the Conservation Association of Green Alternative, calls on colleagues in public service to protest against injustice in the country.
Tomorrow NGOs and those who think that political repressions are launched in the country are to organize large-scale demonstrations in support of Bezhan Lortkipanidze and all unjustly detained persons."