20 May 2024,   04:52
Davit Bakradze quits the post of the chairman of European Georgia

I have decided not to run for the post of party chairman at the European Georgia convention, which will be held in May. Such a statement made today Davit Bakradze, the chairperson of the political party.

“After much deliberation, I have decided not to run for the post of party chairman at the next convention of European Georgia, which will be held no later than May, when election of party officials will take place according to the regulation. I think that my 4 years of work in European Georgia was successful and good for this party. Staying for another 4 years will be bad, we have to get used that the word “European” is not just the name of the party. Europeanness means internal competition, constant renewal, and I want to be part of that”, - said Davit Bakradze.