09 October 2024,   19:23
Poroshenko"s block leads in Rada elections


The preliminary results of the Elections in Ukraine show that the  Political block of the President Poroshenko leads in elections.  The central Election Commision has counted 10,15 % of bulletins. 21,85%   Supports the block of Poroshenko.

 The Prime Minister"s party " people"s Front"  is the second with 21,64 % of voices.


The party " Samopomich" headed by the mayor of Lviv Abdrey Saovy is the third.  Yulia Tymoshenko"s " Batkivshina" is the 6th  according to current situation.


After the first  result of the Central Election Commission the first consultation between The President and the Prime Minister has been already held. They have discussed the possibility of forming the coalition.


The members of Perto Poroshenko"s party have already celebrated the victory.