19 April 2024,   06:30
Representatives of the US Congress arrived in the village Odzisi

Representatives of the US Congress arrived at the occupation line in the village Odzisi within the framework of their visit. The First Deputy Head of the State Security Service, Aleksi Batiashsvili and the representatives of the Service have got the congressmen familiarized in detail with the grave situation on the ground created as a result of occupation.

The attention has been stressed on the so-called borderisation process carried out along the occupation line, also, issues of ethnic discrimination of Georgians, as well as unlawful detention of local residents have been discussed.

The congressmen discussed the importance of visiting the occupation line in person and getting the information on the occupation on the ground.

“It is important to come and see firsthand the Russian occupation of Georgia and it’s really important in building this relationship between the United States of America and the country of Georgia. I appreciate the invitation. I think it’s important to come here and see it firsthand. It’s one thing to read about on the other hand to come here and see what the occupation zone looks like”, - said the congressman Bryan Steil.

“It’s very important for the world to see the occupation that’s happening here and to let Russians know that we are paying attention and we are greatly concerned about the aggression here. So, there is five of us, congressmen from the United States here to visit and to show that we care and we support the country of Georgia”, - stated the congressman Alex Mooney.

“You can read about it but until you hear it and see it in person understanding the size and how important it is to the country of Georgia about the encroachment from Russian and being able to protect Georgia’s sovereignty it’s really important that we get out here and see it”, - added the congressman Kelly Armstrong.

“We think it’s important for us to be here from the United States. The relationship we have between the United State and Georgia is important. Being able to stand here and see the line where Russia is occupied the Georgian territory it is important to see what is going on in the country we have friendship with and that we work together”, - concluded the congressman Ron Estes.