08 September 2024,   03:47
There is a disinformation campaign against Georgia in order to cause unrest in the country and to involve Georgia in the war - Shalva Papuashvili

The disseminated recording, where Bidzina Ivanishvili and Vladimir Yevtushenkov, the Russian oligarch, the founder of Sistemas, are allegedly having a conversation, is part of a disinformation campaign against Georgia. Such a statement made today the Speaker of the Parliament.

“There is a disinformation campaign against Georgia in order to cause unrest in the country and to involve Georgia in the war. What’s best is that we visually saw yesterday how this is being done and how this disinformation campaign is being implemented - disseminating so-called recordings that is a fabrication and it can be seen even with the naked eye, reactions inside and outside the country, the party and then UNM TVs actualizing the issue, then the National Movement youth wing - Shame - taking it out of the country, etc. This is a whole chain. For our population, this is a school-level learning example of how a disinformation campaign is being prepared and implemented.

We saw yesterday how falsifications, fabrications are made as if we are dealing with scandals. Finally, we approached the goal we are talking about, this is unrest in the country. This is a stated goal - to change the Government in an undemocratic way, and then involve the country in the war”, - said Shalva Papuashvili.