27 July 2024,   03:36
Selection of the Public Defender - members of the ruling team met with the representatives of the third sector

The Chair of the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee, Mikheil Sarjveladze and the Chair of the Faction Georgian Dream, Mamuka Mdinaradze held a meeting with NGOs to discuss the rule of selection of the candidate for the Public Defender.

According to Mdinaradze, the Georgian Dream cherishes no objections about the issues raised by NGOs today. The Faction intends to introduce its plan to society within a day.

“None of the issues raised by NGOs deviate from our positions or contradict our plans to consider them in any form. Within a day, we intend to introduce a certain plan ensuring the maximal engagement of NGOs and consideration of the position of our opponents expressed yesterday. Thus, our decision will to some extent resume yesterday’s meeting with the Parliamentary parties and today’s meeting with NGOs”, - he added.