29 September 2024,   08:30
In the coming days, we are going to apply to the Samkharauli Forensics Bureau to conduct a complex examination on Saakashvili - Rati Bregadze

We are going to apply to the Samkharauli Forensics Bureau to conduct a complex examination on Mikheil Saakashvili. Such a statement made today the Minister of Justice.

“As you know, he has been staying at the Vivamedi Clinic for several months and his health condition is constantly monitored by qualified medical personnel. We would like to receive additional information, which will be a separate examination, so that there are no question marks around the health condition of this person.

During [Mikheil] Saakashvili’s imprisonment, he was provided with qualified medical services many times, both in the territory of the penitentiary institution and in Gori. Throughout this period, when he needed medical assistance, the state provided it”, - said Rati Bregadze.