29 September 2024,   08:32
I deeply believe that the future development of Georgia is intertwined, organically connected with the deepest cooperation with the US - Mikheil Sarjveladze

I deeply believe that the future development of Georgia is intertwined, organically connected with the deepest cooperation with the US. Such a statement made the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee.

“When commenting on the issues surrounding these topics, Georgian-American relations and the four MPs, I always emphasized that Georgia’s cooperation with the United States is critically important.

I deeply believe that the future development of Georgia is intertwined, organically connected with the deepest cooperation with the USA. Otherwise, it is impossible for Georgia to deal with security risks, to achieve further economic progress and development.

Therefore, I think that the confirmation of this circumstance once again by the Prime Minister is, of course, critically important, so I certainly agree with this. Of course, cooperation with the US is critically important for Georgia”, - said Mikheil Sarjveladze.