09 July 2024,   00:40
It’s hard to find words to express the heartache I feel over the tragedy at Vake ​​Park - Irakli Garibashvili

It’s hard to find words to express the heartache I feel over the tragedy at Vake ​​Park, Prime Minister of Georgia writes regarding the Vake Park tragic incident.

“In these most difficult moments, I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family members, relatives and friends of the deceased teenager and express my solidarity with them.

The investigation has already started, the causes of the tragedy will be established and there will be the strictest response”, - writes Irakli Garibashvili.

3 children were electrocuted when picking up a ball that had fallen into the fountain in Vake ​​Park, Tbilisi. In a state of shock, they have been transferred to the Khechinashvili clinic. One of them - a 13-year-old girl - died.