08 July 2024,   23:33
An event dedicated to Georgia’s Independence Day was held in San Francisco

An event dedicated to Georgia’s Independence Day was held in San Francisco, US. The 2nd anniversary of the opening of the Consulate General of Georgia on the West Coast of the USA was also celebrated.

“I am delighted for the opportunity to attend the event dedicated to the Independence Day of Georgia and the 30th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations organized by the Consulate General of Georgia in San Francisco.

We celebrated this special day with our friends and partners: from the Diplomatic Corps of San Francisco, the State Department, the offices of the Vice Governor and the Mayor, the business circles of California, and of course, it was especially important to meet with our dear compatriots.

Special thanks to the Consul General of Georgia, Levan Beridze, and the representatives of the Consulate for organizing this special day!”, - said David Zalkaliani.