01 July 2024,   13:23
Irakli Garibashvili addressed the participants of the International Environmental Protection Forum held in India

To strengthen the environment-related governance systems in the country, Georgia has improved its environmental assessment systems and introduced more effective public participation mechanisms at the earliest possible stage of the environmental decision-making process, Georgian Prime Minister stated in his video address to Lifestyle for the Environment - LiFE Movement, an international environmental protection forum held in India.

As Irakli Garibashvili pointed out, major reforms have been carried out recently in the ambient air protection field to improve air quality throughout the country.

“Excellency, Shri Narendra Modi, Honorable Prime Minister of India, dear ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

I am honored and pleased to address this distinguished audience and today’s remarkable event, and to congratulate India for taking lead to launch this extraordinary mission in the beautiful city of Kevadia, India.

Georgia welcomes and fully supports this global initiative timely introduced by His Excellency Narendra Modi which promotes an environmentally conscious lifestyle that focuses on the principle of mindful and deliberate utilization.

In this regard, we have already taken significant steps to fulfil our international commitments, as well as obligations under the EU-Georgia Association Agreement.

To strengthen the environment-related governance systems in the country, Georgia has improved its environmental assessment systems and introduced more effective public participation mechanisms at the earliest possible stage of the environmental decision-making process.

Major reforms have been carried out recently in the ambient air protection field to improve air quality throughout the country.

Georgia is one of the few countries worldwide where national parks are a genuine high-level national priority embodied in national policies and strategies. National parks of Georgia have experienced a significant increase, and nowadays it covers almost twelve percent of our territory.

40% of my country’s territory is covered by forests. Therefore, sustainable forest management is an important priority for our government. We spare no effort to implement sustainable forest management that will support the ecological stability of forest ecosystems, enhance socioeconomic benefits for the public, and reduce the pressure on forests.

In order to address the negative consequences of climate change, Georgia, in accordance with the Paris Agreement, has updated a nationally determined contribution document, which sets a new 2020 climate change strategy and an action plan for mitigation measures.

I am proud to state that our country stays committed to continuing intensive reforms for the better protection of the environment and biodiversity, and meeting its national and international climate goals. I strongly believe that all together we can achieve our common goal and save our planet”, - the Prime Minister said.

The forum’s participants were also addressed by India’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, UK Prime Minister Liz Truss, French President Emmanuel Macron, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, and Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez.