08 July 2024,   23:43
Former US Ambassador should know better that this war doesn’t affect him whatsoever, though it directly affects millions in Europe - Levan Karumindze

Member of Parliament Levan Karumidze publishes a letter on the social network “Twitter” and states that the former US Ambassador [Ian Kelly, Former US Ambassador to Georgia] should understand that “this war doesn’t affect him whatsoever, though it directly affects millions in Europe”.

“Former US Ambassador should know better not to belittle regional peace efforts. With all due respect this war doesn’t affect him whatsoever; though it directly affects millions in Europe. If one cannot appreciate someone’s efforts, the least one can do is avoid smearing them.

The good people of Ukraine will find justice and Russia will be punished for the evil it spreads. We must understand that peace can have no alternative! If we want strong Europe, we have to spare no effort to bring peace as soon as possible!”, - tweeted Levan Karumidze.