09 July 2024,   01:36
We are closely monitoring the process of implementing EU recommendations - Pawel Herczynski

We are closely monitoring the process of implementing EU recommendations. Such a statement made the Ambassador of the European Union to Georgia, answering the question on how Georgia is fulfilling the 12 recommendations of the European Union.

“I know that the Georgian side has set very tight deadlines for itself. Yesterday I had several meetings in the Parliament of Georgia, and I will go to the Parliament tomorrow as well.

Of course, we are monitoring all this very closely and we hope that the process will be very inclusive and transparent, with the participation of all stakeholders, including the opposition parties, and they should work very constructively. The evaluation process will be carried out next year.

The first assessment will be from the European Commission, and then it will be discussed by European leaders, and then a decision will be made on what the next steps will be on Georgia’s European integration path”, - said Pawel Herczynski.