08 July 2024,   20:16
Georgia ranks first among the 14 countries of the region, facts defeat perceptions - Shalva Papuashvili

According to the World Justice Project"s Rule of Law Index 2022, Georgia ranks first among the 14 countries of the region and is ahead of all candidates for EU membership, wrote the Speaker of the Parliament.

"The WJP Index 2022 has been released (https://worldjusticeproject.org). Georgia ranks first among the 14 countries of the region and is ahead of all candidates for EU membership, 2 EU and 5 NATO member countries.

Besides, Georgia is the first in the world in the Open Budget Survey (respectively, it is ahead of all EU member states), with a low level of corruption it is ahead of 9 EU and 11 NATO member states.

Facts defeat perceptions and we have been convinced so many times of the scale of disinformation propaganda aimed at forming negative perceptions towards Georgia.

In June, before the decision of the European Council, when the question was raised in the Parliament session hall of whether Georgia, deserved to be a candidate for EU membership - only a few people from the opposition raised their hands as a sign of approval.

This ranking of the WJP is the result of several-level research: the organization conducts a survey of experts and population in countries, checks the research methodology in cooperation with the EU Commission Research Center, checks the validity of research results in comparison with other leading ratings (Freedom House’s World Freedom Index, Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, Economic Freedom Index, US Human Rights Report, Amnesty International report, etc)”, - writes Shalva Papuashvili.

The new World Justice Project index ranked Georgia at the top in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region and 49th globally in its rule of law ranking. The report evaluated 140 countries based on constraints on government powers, absence of corruption, open government, fundamental rights, order and security, regulatory enforcement, civil justice and criminal justice.