06 October 2024,   19:14
The US Embassy responds to Nika Gvaramia’s verdict

The Embassy of the United States in Georgia responds to the trial of Nika Gvaramia, the founder of the Mtavari Arkhi.

“At a time when Georgia’s commitment to an impartial judiciary and media pluralism is being closely reviewed, the continued imprisonment of Nika Gvaramia, the Director General of the main opposition TV channel, puts at risk the clear choice of the people of Georgia – and Georgian leaders’ stated goal – for a more secure, democratic European future.

The United States Embassy reiterates our deep concern regarding today’s decision in the case of Gvaramia, Iashvili, and Damenia. Numerous international and Georgian human rights defenders have raised significant questions about this case from the start, including about the timing and charges, as well as the conviction and sentence. Even the perception of selective investigations, prosecutions, and convictions diminishes the public’s confidence in law enforcement, the prosecution, the courts, and the government itself.

The United States will continue to support media freedom and the judicial reforms that are necessary to build the stable, prosperous democracy the people of Georgia have clearly said they desire”, - reads the statement.