07 October 2024,   14:01
The party will discuss, also with those who, in my opinion, made a very hasty statement today - Nika Melia on intra-party elections

The party will discuss, also with those who, in my opinion, made a very hasty statement today. Such a statement made today the Chairman of the United National Movement, while responding responded to the statement of fellow party members regarding the demand for intra-party elections and noted that “nothing new was said”.

“I want to inform you of my position regarding the issue of elections in the UNM. At the briefing held by my colleagues, nothing new was said, except the fact that this statement was made in this form.

There was an active, daily discussion within the party on these issues in order to form a consolidated position.

The nearest period will definitely show the real reason and purpose of bringing this issue out in this form, so hastily, especially considering that today the main topic should have been the most important evaluations made by the European Parliament.

Within the framework of these consultations, I openly raised the issue of elections within the party a month and a half ago - I did it on my own initiative and in the presence of those who are demanding elections today.

There was agreement on the issue of elections, the subject of discussion was only when and how the elections would be held. If there’s anything I’m comfortable with, it’s elections.

Elections where tens of thousands of supporters of the party will participate, where I will have the opportunity to tell the truth to tens of thousands of supporters of the UNM, so that they can make a thoughtful and future-oriented choice for the party and the country.

I want everyone to know - I was, am and will be ready to participate in any type of election, especially in internal party elections”, - said Nika Melia.