06 October 2024,   19:43
Levan Khabeishvili to participate in the elections of the UNM’s Chairman

Levan Khabeishvili is going to participate in the elections of the Chairman of the United National Movement.

“My friends voiced a message a few days ago and demanded internal democratic elections in the UNM, where a new Chairperson should be elected by the supporters. It is important that this idea was supported by the leaders of the UNM, members of the City Council, and also by a large part of the heads of regional organizations.

The leader of the party expressed his readiness for elections, which is welcome and important. As a result of several days of consultation, together with my friends and comrades-in-arms, I decided to take part in the elections. I take this challenge not against anyone, but only to strengthen the UNM.

I accept the challenge to return a strong, active UNM, to return a real, uncompromising fighting opposition in Georgian politics. My goal is to return the UNM to the people to whom it belongs - to its voters, supporters and everyone for whom the UNM is the main platform and opportunity to defeat Bidzina Ivanishvili.

The UNM should be returned to those people for whom the ideals of the Rose Revolution are important, to those people who, despite a lot of pressure and persecution, were not afraid of anything and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the well-being of our homeland, as our military in Ukraine shows us every day against the main enemy, Putin’s Russia. I want to extend my hand to everyone who cares about the prosperity and unity of our country, who wants to change and strengthen”, - said Levan Khabeishvili.