27 July 2024,   04:55
The special investigation service revealed law enforcement officers for violent crimes

In January-March of this year, as a result of investigative and procedural actions carried out by the Special Investigation Service in Adjara, Samegrelo and Tbilisi, three employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia (MIA) were revealed for the ill-treatment and violent crime.

The Special Investigation Service arrested the chief investigator of the 3rd unit of the Batumi City Police division of MIA based on the court decision for the illegal arrest of a citizen and abuse of powers on February 8, 2023, in Batumi.

The investigation established that the chief investigator of the 3rd Unit of Batumi City Police Division of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara of MIA, G.A. with the purpose of identify in illegally arrested citizen, on January 2, 2023, in Batumi, near the area of Tsereteli street #4 illegally arrested G.B. and took him to the police administrative building where physically insulted him to obtain the desired information.

After obtaining evidence of a crime, the Special Investigation Service used its authority provided by the Article 19 of the Law of Georgia “On Special Investigation Service” and addressed the Prosecutor with written proposals requesting the initiation of criminal prosecution, after which the court issued a ruling on the arrest of the police detective based on the petition of the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia.

The law enforcement officer charged with the crime under Article 147 (intentional illegal arrest), part 1 and part 3 of paragraph “b” of Article 332 (abuse of official powers). The crime shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of 5 to 8 years.

On January 17, 2023, based on the court ruling the investigators of the Special Investigation Service arrested D. Ch. the inspector of the Security Police Department of MIA who physically and verbally abused his wife in May and June 2022, in Zugdidi. Also, threatened to kill the victim and his wife’s brother by demonstrating a firearm.

The Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia charged the law enforcement officer for the crime under Article 126’ (domestic violence), part 2, paragraph “b” and Article 11’-151 (threat), part 2, paragraph “d” of the Criminal Code of Georgia. The accused person was imprisoned as a preventive measure. The crime shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of 1 to 3 years.

The employee of the Department of Special Tasks of MIA, Kh.L. revealed a crime of physically insulting a woman in a relationship with him in December 2022. In addition, the law enforcement officer systematically established unwanted communication with the victim and illegally monitored her movement. As a result of the mentioned actions, the victim experienced mental suffering and was forced to significantly change her lifestyle.

On March 20, 2023, the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia charged the above-mentioned person for the crime under Article 126 (Violence) part 1 and Article 151’ (Stalking) part 1 of the Criminal Code of Georgia and applied to the court with a request to use imprisonment as a preventive measure. According to the court"s decision, the accused person was given a bail of 5000 GEL and dismissed from his position.

The Special Investigation Service intensively continues the investigation of ill-treatment, exceeding official powers and other violent crimes, on which the results and progress will be periodically reported to the public.