20 September 2024,   01:18
Opening of the Georgian Bar Association’s Head Office - more than 5 000 lawyers have a new office from today

Georgian Prime Minister participated in the opening of the Georgian Bar Association’s Head Office. As he stated, the association, which already brings together over 5,000 members, plays an important role in the process of protecting human rights, strengthening the rule of law, and ensuring independent, quality, and ethical justice in the country in general.

“The opening of the head office is a significant event in many ways in our modern reality. Firstly, the association’s infrastructural development: I am confident that this will help you do your job at a high level, without interruption. Besides, it is an important step toward turning the concept of so-called Justice District into reality. As you know, placing Tbilisi’s Municipal Court, Municipal and District Prosecutor’s Offices, and the Bar Association in one area will encourage dialogue and cooperation between legal professions. I am convinced that this concept will become a calling card of our country’s judiciary. We are also happy to see that the new head office-with its design having won one of the most prestigious awards in the world-will be another important addition to our city’s architecture”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.

As part of the event, the traditional ceremony of taking the lawyer’s oath was performed. After completing a one-year adaptation program, about 100 new members joined the association.

The Bar Association’s new administrative building incorporates both an administrative section and a learning center, also housing an ethics commission and a department facilitating analytical and committee work. Training and conference areas and a cafeteria were also set up in the building.

The foundation for the construction of the new office was laid in January 2021. The same year, the building’s architecture and concept claimed the Global Architecture & Design Award 2021, one of the most prestigious international accolades.