19 September 2024,   19:23
Parliament endorsed the Draft Law on Copyrights and Adjoining Rights for the III reading

The Parliament endorsed the Draft Law on Copyrights and Adjoining Rights for the III reading with 73 votes.

The Draft was introduced by MP Baia Kvitsiani. New legislation facilitates improved management of property rights on a collective basis and restores the trust of the consumers and holders of the rights to the system. The Draft creates an administrative and institutional mechanism to enhance the control of the copyrights and adjoining rights, establishes a new mechanism for the accreditation of the collective managing organization, transparency of its activity and state control, as well as fair assignment of the royalties and establishment of fair tariffs.

The Draft is to specify the rules and terms on the set-up of the managing organization, its registration and accreditation, determine the body authorized to grant the accreditation and stipulate the functions, rights and obligations of the organization. The Draft will prescribe the rules of membership of the organization, authorities of the general meeting and the supervisory board, regulations for activity and the obligations of the top management.