20 September 2024,   01:52
Maka Botchorishvili and Levan Karumidze met with the Director-General - Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations Gert Jan Koopman

The Chair of the EU Integration Committee, Maka Botchorishvili, and her First Deputy, Levan Karumidze, within the framework of their visit to Brussels, met with the Director-General - Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, (NEAR) Gert Jan Koopman.

The discourse included Georgia-EU relations, the European perspective of Georgia, and the expectations of the country concerning EU membership.

Georgian MPs provided the representative of the EU Commission with comprehensive information about compliance with the EU recommendations by Georgia and the progress in reforming.

The parties touched upon the EU enlargement policy, the security challenges in the region, the development of an enlargement report by the European Commission, and the assessments of the progress of Georgia.