20 September 2024,   01:31
Public Defender visits villages inhabited by ethnic Azerbaijanis in Sagarejo municipality

The Public Defender of Georgia arrived in the Sagarejo municipality and met the residents of Iormughanlo community, the villages of Lambalo, Kazlari and Duzagrami inhabited by ethnic Azerbaijanis.

During the meeting with the Public Defender, the locals spoke about the issue of a bridge connecting 9 villages. “The bridge is in a poor state and does not meet the safety standard, therefore, moving on it poses a threat to the health of our citizens”, - said Levan Ioseliani.

The Public Defender’s Office has been studying the problems related to the protection of human rights of ethnic minorities living in Georgia for a long time. The flaws relating to the teaching of the Georgian language are particularly acute, which is directly linked to and prevents the full integration of these citizens.

The population is worried about the poor state of the road and communication infrastructure. Due to the damaged road surface, municipal transport, ambulance and fire rescue vehicles cannot move smoothly. In some villages there is neither kindergarten nor public school. The right of locals to own and use pastures is still not regulated.

The Public Defender also visited a mosque and a kindergarten in Duzagrami.