20 September 2024,   01:55
We talked about the European perspective, it was said, that it is important for Georgia that the decision of the EU be based on merit and be fair - Papuashvili

We talked about the European perspective, it was said, that it is important for Georgia that the decision of the EU be based on merit and be fair, said the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament after the meeting with the EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

“We had a meeting with the High Representative of the European Union. All political groups from the Parliament of Georgia were represented and we had a rather long meeting. We talked, of course, about the European perspective. It was said, on the one hand, that it is important for Georgia to implement the recommendations, and on the other hand, we were talking about the fact that it is important that the decision of the EU be based on merit and be fair. We also talked about the security situation in the region.

We emphasized that it is important for us that the term occupation be established in the official documents of the EU, instead of different terminology, regarding Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region, since it is important that everything be called by its own name.

Unfortunately, these parts of Georgia’s territories are not mentioned as occupied regions in the EU documents, and it is important that we feel proper assessment from the EU side in this regard as well.

It is important that it was emphasized at the meeting that the so-called terminological separation of people and the government and the attempt that, unfortunately, we hear from the radical opposition in Georgia and some MEPs or European politicians, are absolutely unacceptable for the European Union. People, the government, the country, they are a single organism, and if a decision is made for the country, it is made for this organism - people and the government”, - said Shalva Papuashvili.