20 September 2024,   02:03
I would like to thank the Embassy for its objectivity. This is the first time in recent years, when the Embassy confronted the disinformation spread by UNM - Kobakhidze

I would like to thank the Embassy for its objectivity. This is the first time in recent years, when the Embassy confronted the disinformation spread by the United National Movement [UNM]. Such a statement made today the Chairman of the Georgian Dream, while commenting information, issued by the US embassy regarding the United States military bases.

“They [the opposition] are trying to cover up the fact that the Embassy exposed the lie of the collective UNM. I want to say one thing about this. You remember how Kelly Degnan used to damage the Georgian-American relations, and after she left, you see that the Embassy spread objective information and exposed the lie of the collective UNM, which had not been happening before.

I hope that the new Ambassador will also work objectively to deepen Georgian-American relations.

Vakhtang Kapanadze and these people are the UNM, we all know and, of course, the collective UNM is spreading this disinformation, but the Embassy gave them an answer and actually exposed their lies, and thanks, of course, to the Embassy”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.

Yesterday, September 13, the US Embassy released information stating that the United States has not offered to establish an American military base in Georgia.