20 September 2024,   01:31
Shalva Papuashvili meets with the Chairperson of the National Assembly of Bulgaria, Rosen Zhelyazkov

The Speaker, Shalva Papuashvili held a meeting with the Chairperson of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, Rosen Zhelyazkov.

At the meeting, the parties underlined the historical, religious, cultural and neighborly ties between Georgia and Bulgaria and highlighted the importance of high-level visits as an effective opportunity to enhance the trust and friendship between the two countries.

The counterparts stressed that the Black Sea is not merely a dividing line for the two countries but a bonding factor.

Papuashvili stated that against the background of the aggressive war of Russia against Ukraine, the significance of the connectivity within the Black Sea acquires particular value for boosting the energy independence of Europe.

The emphasis at the meeting was made on the European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Georgia. The Speaker also dwelt on compliance with 12 recommendations, expectations on further steps and the significance of equal attitude to the Associated Trio.

As Zhelyazkov noted, Bulgaria has already been through the periods that Georgia experiences now and is well aware that the EU integration path teems with challenges and lies through the patience and enthusiasm of society. According to him, Bulgaria strongly supports the EU and NATO accession of Georgia and is committed to sharing experiences. Zhelyazkov also expressed the intact support of his country to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia.