20 September 2024,   01:33
Natia Turnava should resign - Mamuka Khazaradze

Natia Turnava should resign. Such a statement made today the leader of Lelo, Mamuka Khazaradze, at the protest rally near the National Bank of Georgia.

“The request is to change the adopted decree immediately, Turnava should resign. The longer this goes on, the entire banking system will face a serious threat.

Several members of the board have already resigned, which means that the board is becoming dysfunctional, it cannot be managed under the leadership of Turnava.

Especially when not only the public but commercial banks opposed her decision. Even the President, whose candidate she is, says she regrets it.

Therefore, this is an issue that needs to be resolved quickly, otherwise commercial banks, the economy, depositors and so on will face problems.

Let’s not sacrifice the Georgian economy and people’s savings to the position of one person”, - said Mamuka Khazaradze.