16 September 2024,   11:00
Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested 13 people connected to the “thieves’ world”, 2 “thieves in law” were charged in absentia

As a result of complex operational measures and covert investigative actions carried out together with the General Prosecutor’s Office, the employees of the Central Criminal Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested 13 people connected with the “thieves’ world” in Tbilisi, Batumi, Lanchkhuti and Tsageri. Two “thieves in law” were charged in absentia.

G.L., born in 1961; G. Kh., born in 1992; V.Ch. born in 1982, (nicknamed “Pampala”); V.K. born in 1992, (nicknamed “Tony”) and R.O. born in 1991 (nicknamed “Rocco”) have been detained on charges of being members of the “Thieves’ world”. They have also been convicted many times in the past.

T.K. born in 1999, I. Ch., born in 1988; L.S., born in 1982; V. Ch., born in 1990; G.K., born in 1976; O.K. born in 1995, convicted in the past. A.F., born in 1961, and G.M., born in 1995, are accused of appealing to a member of the “thieves’ world”.

Roman Khmaladze, born in 1974, and Levan Marghia, born in 1978, who are currently outside Georgia, were charged in absentia with the crime of being “thieves in law”.

Crimes committed envision up to 15 years of imprisonment.

As a result of the intense investigation conducted by the law enforcement officers, it was established that the defendants were in contact with the “thieves in law” abroad and tried to settle financial disputes between citizens as well as receive personal benefits. They organized secret meetings, which were attended by the disputing parties.

The defendants acted according to the “thieves’ traditions”. They made decisions by which one of the disputing parties was obliged to pay a certain amount of money to the other, as well as to “thieves in law”. If they did not obey the instructions of the “thieves in law”, they were physically abused.

One of the complex investigations established that the persons connected with the “thieves’ world” demanded from G.M., born in 1995, to give share to the “thieves’ world” from the large amount of money he had won from online casinos. In order to resolve the said dispute, so-called “thief discussion” was arranged. “Thief in law”, Jeyran Kintsurashvili was informed about the existing issue who offered support using his criminal influence. Afterwards, money was transferred to the “thieves in law” and criminal authorities.

The police, on the basis of the judge’s ruling, during the search of personal and residential houses of the accused, seized a car, gold items and the mobile phones of the defendants through which they communicated with each other and with the “thieves in law” abroad.

Also, during the search of the residential house of the accused G.K., a machine gun, muzzles and about 50 cartridges were seized as evidence. Narcotic drug marijuana was seized from the residential house of the accused V.C.

The investigation is being conducted under Article 223 prima, Article 223 3 prima, Article 223 4 prima and Article 236, third part of the Criminal Code of Georgia.