20 September 2024,   01:28
Shalva Papuashvili has issued a letter to the President of Venice Commission Claire Bazy Malaurie, seeking a legal assessment of the documents received in order to meet 12 recommendations

"Dear Madam President,

Georgia has been implementing the European Union recommendations sinceJuly 2022, following the European Council"s decision to grant Georgia a European perspective, and the following 12 priorities for obtaining a candidate status.
As a result, Georgia"s instihrtions, led by the Parliament, made significant progress in adopting legislative changes and implementing policy reforms that further consolidated democracy and solidified the l.)uropcan agenda. Cooperation with the Venice Commission in this process has been helpful that wc grcatly atrlprcciale.
European Commission has been Georgia"s partr:rer along the road. We maintained constant communication with its relevant Directorates-General for clarification and further guidance. Recent visit of the EU"s HRVP Josep Borrell to Georgia, together with highJevel officials from the European Commission, was instrumental in making additional steps until the Commission"s much-awaited rlccision in October 2023. Based on an agreement with the EU side, I am sending the following documents (attached to this letter) to the Venice Commission:
- Amendments to the Election Code and the Rules of Procedure of the Georgian Parliament.
- Law on the Special Investip.tion Service.
- Provisions from the Law on Personal Data Protection on the Personal Data Proteclion Service.
- Provisions from the Law on the Fight against Comrption on the Anti-Comrption Bureau.
- Draft Amendments to dre Organic Law on Common Courts.
- Action Plan for Avoiding the Excessive Influence of Vested Interests in Economic, Political ani
Public Life in Georgia.
Madam President, I would like to kindly ask you to provide legal opinions of the Venice Commission on these matters.
Please, accept assurances of my highest consideration and esteem". - reads the letter of the Speaker of the Parliament.