20 September 2024,   01:41
Romania is a leading force in terms of supporting the European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Georgia - Papuashvili

Romania is a leading force in terms of supporting the European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Georgia, said the Speaker of the Parliament in his address delivered at the plenary session in the Senate of Romania.

“I very much value the opportunity to visit your beautiful country in these geopolitically turbulent times, when the world witnesses unprecedented regional upheaval since the Cold War and, at the same time, in the historic period when Georgia makes its decisive push on its EU membership path. Romania and Georgia share not only historical ties but also a common thread of cultural richness that has endured for centuries, emanating from our strong Christian heritage. It is in moments like these that I am reminded of the great Anthim the Iberian, a figure who transcended borders and whose legacy continues to inspire us all to this day. He laid strong emotional and historic foundations for our nations’ relationship, which now blossoms in mutual strategic understanding and cooperation”.

As the Speaker estimated, the two countries successfully cooperate in various directions, namely, in the spheres of economy, tourism, culture, defense, cyber security, curbing crime etc. Per the statement of the Speaker, Romania is a devoted supporter of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia and is a regularly leading force in terms of supporting the European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Georgia.

Shalva Papuashvili underlined that Romania was the first EU member state to ratify the EU-Georgia Association Agreement.

“We are deeply grateful for each step and statement of the Romanian side in support of Georgia. Such substantial aspects of our relations allowed us to elevate our longstanding and solid ties to a strategic partnership that brings our countries and peoples even closer than ever before. Our partnership has gained more relevance and depth along with Russia’s unjustified, illegal, and aggressive war in Ukraine. Our countries border on the Black Sea and the regional security of this part of the world takes the center stage of not only European but also the world security. The Black Sea regional security is now a historic challenge and we have to work together, with our Western allies to ensure stability and lasting peace in this complicated area. Also, the Black Sea is an area of opportunities. It has a strategic importance in terms of connectivity and energy security of Europe. The historic Silk Road, or as we often call it a “Middle Corridor”, is a shortest and cheapest transit route between Europe and Asia. Georgia is doing its best to enhance its role as a logistic center and hub for doing business in the region. We are committed to participate actively in major strategic projects and initiatives to contribute to strengthening Europe’s energy independence. Launching a new ferry service linking the port of Constanta in Romania with Poti in Georgia is a great example demonstrating our efforts to enhance Black Sea connectivity. Moreover, we believe that flagship project - Black Sea Submarine Electricity Cable has also a paramount potential to help the EU diversify its energy resources and promote clean energy transition”.