20 September 2024,   01:36
For the development of small and medium enterprises, we intend to spend GEL 300 mln, GEL 560 or the development of agriculture, GEL 18 mln for funding the state-led programs in the area of environmental protection – Garibashvili

The first Draft State Budget for 2024 was presented today and active work is intended on it with line ministries and other government agencies in October, said the Prime Minister of Georgia at the Government meeting.

“The Second Draft will be presented by November 5 and work will grow into the Third Draft in November.

As for the development of small and medium enterprises (SME), we intend to spend 300 MLN GEL in 2024; 560 MLN GEL will be spent for the development of agriculture and 18 MLN GEL for funding the state-led programs in the area of environmental protection.

I think that we succeeded with a rather good State Budget for 2024 in general. Let me still repeat that it is the First Draft. Active work is intended on it with line ministries and other government agencies in October. Second Draft will be presented by November 5 and later work will grow into the Third Draft in collaboration with the Parliament of Georgia in November. It is the straightforward scheme that I wanted to share with you. In closing, let me say that 85 BLN GEL will be the GDP in 2024; GDP Per Capita will be 8600 USD and for comparison purposes – let me repeat again – it will be a State Budget with almost triple GDP rise, if we compare it with a State Budget of 2012. I have already told you that the State Budget will be 27.8 BLN GEL in 2024 and precision on other aspects will follow later as we cooperate with the Parliament”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.