19 September 2024,   04:56
We would need clarifications on USAID’s funding of the trainings, the direct purpose of which was to prepare for a revolution in Georgia - Kobakhidze

Georgia is a sovereign, independent state where the Government would ensure peace and tranquility and not allow either a revolution or an opening of a second front. Such a statement made today the Chairman of the Georgian Dream.

Irakli Kobakhidze’s comment followed the State Security Service of Georgia claiming representatives from the Belgrade-based Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies had been invited to Georgia by the East-West Management Institute of the US Agency for International Development programme last month to “train civil groups and individuals for a planned unrest” in Tbilisi this fall.

“It can be said unequivocally that the Government will not allow revolutionary processes. Georgia is a sovereign, independent state, and we will ensure peace and tranquility in our country, and we will not let anyone disturb this country - we will not allow either a revolution or a second front.

I watched the briefing of the State Security Service of Georgia. You remember that at first these people tried to hide the real purpose of their visit. They talked about the fact that they supposedly had meetings and trainings with representatives of the cultural sphere, but it turned out that their goal was to prepare and plan revolutionary processes in our country, which is troubling.

It’s all the more troubling when it turns out that all this has been funded by the United States Agency for International Development, which is called USAID, which stands for “America’s Aid”. I think this is not America’s help.

The Georgian authorities would need clarifications on USAID’s funding of the trainings, the direct purpose of which was to prepare for a revolution in Georgia”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.