19 September 2024,   05:24
We will not allow any disturbance in the country - Irakli Garibashvili

Government would not allow any disturbance or destabilisation in the country by destructive and radical forces. Such a comment made today the Prime Minister of Georgia, while talking about the information of the State Security Service of Georgia [SSSG].

“I want to warn these persons once again - both the hostile forces operating within the country and their supporters abroad - that we will not allow any disturbance in the country.

We know very well what their plans are, their purpose. Their goal is, of course, violence, disorder, and destabilisation. They certainly don’t like the success and prosperity we have in the country today. They don’t like that we have maintained peace and stability in the country today.

Their desire, of course, is to overthrow the Government by violent means and open a second front [of the war in Ukraine] in the country. That was the original goal, [and] it remains, unfortunately, still their goal.

The Georgian Dream governance had ensured the only continuous period of peace and stability for the country”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.

The SSSG said today that “top managerial representatives” from the Belgrade-based Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies had been invited to Georgia by the East-West Management Institute of the USAID programme in September to “train civil groups and individuals for a planned unrest” in Tbilisi this Autumn.