19 September 2024,   04:18
Talking about unity and doing nothing more than division is a dream game of Dream - Melia

On October 7, like-minded people, people who want a better future for the country, who want change and the dismantling of Georgian Dream governance system, will have a consultation meeting to discuss how we continue the struggle, wrote the former Chairman of the United National Movement on his Facebook page.

“I wished dignity and truth to the party management, to whom I congratulated on the victory, despite dirty methods, secret records, a campaign conducted in the style of [Georgian] Dream - I knew they would need dignity and truth very much, as they would have a shortage of dignity and truth....

Within 5 days, this management forgot its promise, the promise given to many emotional, loyal supporters, deceiving them that Misha’s freedom was possible without changing the regime.

9 months have passed and we have not seen a single blocked street, we have not seen a single large-scale rally. We saw the last not large-scale rally at VivaMedi 3 months ago.

And now, when the people, who want a change and a better tomorrow, decided to gather, they scheduled a rally in Batumi. They are sending messages to the members of the City Council that this is a march for Misha’s [Saakashvili] freedom. This is how they behave in all attempts to maintain unity and discussion.

Yes, on the day of the consultation meeting, the “new management”, who have returned from the summer holidays, are holding a demonstration, demanding Misha’s freedom... All this reminds me of only one thing, the signature of the Dream.

The truth is stronger than money. You either have dignity or you don’t... talking about unity and doing nothing more than division is a dream game of Dream... The strength is in the unity of right and principled people”, - writes Nika Melia.