19 September 2024,   05:03
I call on foreign actors to respect the constitutional framework of the host country - this is Europe! - If Europe is something else, tell us that we should not respect the rule of law - Papuashvili to Herczynski

I think that such type of statements help the President of Georgia to become stubborn in violating the Constitution and to further deepen the polarization. This is how the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament responded to the statement of the EU Ambassador to Georgia Pavel Herczynski.

“This statement is inappropriate, because it concerns the Constitution of Georgia and the rule of law, and when we talk about the rule of law, here, of course, first of all, the supreme law - the Constitution - is meant. If we talk about the fact that we have common European values, we mean that it is the rule of law that is common to us and there are no first-class and second-class countries - countries where the rule of law and the constitution are important and countries where the constitution can be secondary. Therefore, I think that it is important exactly the European approach that Georgian Dream shows, that we do not solve this issue with political quibbles and debates, but we turn to the court. That is why we have the Constitutional Court, if not for anything else, to present its competent opinion on constitutional issues.

This [impeachment dispute] is a legal issue that concerns not only the current President and the current Government, but whether we are a parliamentary republic or not. This is the will of the people, which was implemented in 2013-2017.

It is the will of the people that we have a parliamentary republic and to ensure this will we need confirmation from the Constitutional Court whether this will to have a parliamentary republic is valid or not. In terms of polarization-depolarization, on the contrary, it is polarizing when one of the constitutional bodies, in this case President, intervenes and usurps the powers of another body, that"s what polarization is.

I think that such type of statements help the President of Georgia in this case to become stubborn in violating the Constitution and to further deepen the polarization.

Therefore, I especially call on foreign actors to respect the constitutional framework of the host country, this process, we see, is going to the court in an absolutely civilized, European manner.

This is Europe! This is how we understand Europe! If Europe is something else, then tell us that Europe implies that we should bear the violation of the Constitution, we should not respect the rule of law”, - said Shalva Papuashvili.

The Ambassador of the European Union in Georgia, Pawel Herczynski, said today that the impeachment procedure of the President of Georgia doesn’t really contribute to the implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission.