19 September 2024,   05:23
In total, we spent GEL 200 MLN in the last 10 years for the development of vocational training - Garibashvili

Today we have gathered to listen to the Minister of Education about a new vision on vocational training, which we have been working on actively in the recent months. Within the format of the Economic Council, we have had numerous discussions about general concepts for a further development of vocational training. It was announced by the Prime Minister of Georgia when delivering a speech at the Presentation of a New Vision of Vocational Training.

“I wish to once again remind you that almost one billion GEL has been allocated for the development of a project aiming the construction and rehabilitation of kindergartens. Also, we earmarked one billion GEL for the development, rehabilitation and construction of secondary education institutions. This process has been launched and half of the works – 400 schools – have been contracted; construction has been launched. Similar situation is observed in the construction of kindergartens. As for vocational training, we have increased the budget allocations towards this end four times already since 2012. I wish to say that as of today, 30 public vocational colleges have been created. State colleges are created and operational. Almost 40 locations exist, including branches. I mean 45 private colleges operating in the country. Record-high budget earmarking has been made in the value of 95 MLN GEL for vocational education this year. In total, we spent 200 MLN GEL in the last 10 years for the development of vocational training.

Now, as for our main challenge. You are aware that one of the bottlenecks identified as a result of public discussions, including those held with businesses – and I have had a series of meetings, including rather candid ones – is the lack of qualified human capital, which needs to be created and developed. We understand it well that against the background of a strong economic development, creation of highly-qualified human capital and professional development should be ensured, whose knowledge and skills will be fully matching the needs of employers and the private sector.

I wish to tell you that as per our decision, we are presenting a new offer. We are making it to the businesses and general public. It is based on the best practice for the private sector, which envisages innovative approaches from the State towards vocational training. It is a genuine offer of Public-Private Partnership (PPP), which envisages investments to be made by us together with you in the vocational training. Besides, we will be developing a curriculum for vocational education together with you, thus ensuring the preparation of staff according to your business requirements and a significant increase in employment indicators.

Let me say herewith that it is very important, of course, to promote vocational training to increase its prestige. It requires a merger of our efforts as government and businesses need to come together, of course.

Also, I wish to share several concrete numbers and facts with you; let me remind the general public again that, as we noted before, one of the main challenges is the lack of qualified labor force on the market. We have a strong economic growth, however there is no supply of qualified labor force, which is a serious problem. We have had a situation some 2-3 years ago, which was opposite to the present one. Now the situation has changed in a radical manner. For instance, let me tell you that from January through September, a certain trend has been observed on the grounds of applications made to vacancies announced by the Employment Agency of the Ministry of Labor and Health: largest areas, which I want to refer to initially, are wholesale and retail trade, accommodation and lodging, hospitality sector, food supplies and catering, eateries like restaurants and so on.

The third direction is the administrative and support services. Fourth one is healthcare and social care. In total, there are almost 10 000 vacancies at the Agency as of today.

I will tell you something more interesting now. Last year we commissioned a study, which was interesting and rather comprehensive. The Ministry of Economy carried it out and had the following findings, which are – we need to say – alarming. On the grounds of this very study and our recent efforts actively made in the past months, we came up with the concept that we are presenting today. Minister will elaborate on it further.

It was identified that as of September 1 last year 32% of enterprises had in total 140 000 vacancies unfilled for the past one year. It is of course alarming! Poverty and unemployment are at their historic minimum today. If we recall 2012, the level of poverty was about 30%, while unemployment – over 27%. Today they dropped to almost 17% and 15% respectively. Over half a million people managed to overcome poverty in Georgia in the past 10 years.

Therefore, to respond to this challenge with effective measures and steps, we came up with an interesting concept on the grounds of these very needs and challenges. Let me repeat: of course, coordinated efforts with businesses will be vital in this process; we need to work in a coordinated manner with the private sector. Practically, if we plan all these professions and programs well, it may be said that employment will be guaranteed by 100% for everyone who will have vocational training at colleges. They will, of course, get admitted, trained and equipped with essential skills”, - concluded Irakli Garibashvili.

Giorgi Amilakhvari, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia presented the new vision of vocational education to the general public. It aims to strengthen the engagement of employers in the system of vocational training and an offer is publicly made to them.

One of the key directions of the new vision is to get engaged in the supply of vocational education together with the private sector, which implies the establishment of a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and joint development of curriculum for vocational education together with businesses.

The state in partnership with the private sector/employers will make investments in vocational training. It will facilitate the development of staff according to the needs of the market, thereby increasing the employment indicator to a significant degree. From the side of the State, it is an innovative approach offered to the private sector by taking into account the best international practice.

The Ministry of Education and Science plans to update the qualifications, define the sectoral priorities and revisit the funding model of vocational education within the scope of the New Vision of Vocational Education. Work will also commence on the maximum integration of vocational training in general schooling. Significant novelties are planned in the professional development of teachers at vocational colleges, involving the exchange programs and increased qualifications.

The Ministry will start to introduce the initiatives envisaged in the vision this year, as a result of which effectiveness and attractiveness of the vocational education system will increase in the nearest future.