19 September 2024,   05:17
CEC introduced electronic voting technologies to Tbilisi Sakrebulo members and Office personnel

The Election Administration continues an intensive informational campaign and presentation of electronic voting technologies. This time Chairperson of the Central Election Commission, introduced electronic voting technologies to Tbilisi Sakrebulo members and Office personnel. As Giorgi Kalandarishvili said, technological novelty is related to the public’s awareness raising, preparation of stakeholders, and intensively informing voters, which, in turn, will support the conduct of 2024 elections at a high professional level.

“Intensive informational campaign is underway, which refers to the historically significant process of election modernization. Today, we shared novelties and procedures we adopted due to technologies with Tbilisi Sakrebulo members and Office personnel. The intensive informational campaign will continue throughout this and next year so that the public is well-prepared for the 2024 October parliamentary elections”, - said Giorgi Kalandarishvili.

Within the framework of the meeting, participants had an opportunity to test how electronic voting technologies function. Namely, they even participated in mock elections using verification and vote-counting electronic devices. Simultaneously, demonstration of electronic devices is underway at public areas such as metro stations, public service halls, and service agencies’ branches, and the list will gradually be extended and include shopping malls, higher education institutions, public and private entities where citizens will be able to see firsthand and test verification and vote counting devices.