19 September 2024,   04:57
PACE defines Russia as dictatorship and urges international community to declare Putin illegitimate

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [PACE] has called on member states to declare Russian President Vladimir Putin illegitimate after the end of his current presidential term and has declared Russia a dictatorship.

In the unanimously adopted resolution, PACE also called on member states to put an end to all contacts with Putin, except for humanitarian contacts and in the pursuit of peace.

The Assembly stressed that Vladimir Putin has been in power as President or Prime Minister of the Russian Federation since 2000. Amendments to the Russian Constitution in July 2020 extended his potential presidency until 2036, prompting concerns over the lack of checks and balances.

“The overwhelming power of the President resulting from the extremely long term in office combined with the lack of any checks and balances such as a strong parliament, an independent judiciary, free media and a vibrant civil society has turned the Russian Federation into a de facto dictatorship”, - the parliamentarians said.