19 September 2024,   05:01
Executive Government meeting gets held and led by the Prime Minister of Georgia

Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia held and led an Executive Government Meeting today. The Cabinet of Ministers considered 10 agenda items. Draft Law of Georgia on Amendments to the Law of Georgia on Healthcare was among the topics of discussion.

According to the proposed amendments, nursing and midwifing will become regulated occupations. It aims to improve the quality of healthcare services, educational and professional development of nurses and midwives, filling the gap in the quantity of nurses, control and supervision of their performance.

Regulation of nursing for gaining the right to practice as nurses and midwives, implies the applicable registration/certification exams to be passed. Upon graduation of vocational training colleges, interested individuals will pass exams and status of a Certified Practicing Nurse will thereupon be granted, while bachelor’s degree holders will be granted a status of a registered Nurse upon the referred exams. Besides, occupation will be subject to professional supervision. Amendments also involve an opportunity of professional development for nurses and midwives. They will inter alia get admitted to post-diploma education and lifelong professional development programs.

Specialized programs will be introduced to facilitate the employment of specialized nurses with intensive training in concrete areas of medical treatment.

Under the decision made by the Ministry of Health, competences will be set for nurses and midwives, by taking into account their clinical practice, substance and volume, thereby increasing the effectiveness of their performance, opportunities for their supervision and better protection of their rights – on the other side.

Individuals with documents evidencing a professional education of a nurse/assistant nurse, who obtained such documents prior to 1st January 2020, if accompanied with an evidence of full general schooling and 3 years of actual service, will retain their status and be entitled to gain the status of a nurse.

Referred Draft Law reflects the European experience and its passing will facilitate the transformation of human resources into nurses and midwives, as well as the establishment of a sustainable system of professional regulation. As a result, public access to quality healthcare will increase. Draft Law will be submitted to the supreme legislative body in the nearest future.