19 September 2024,   04:58
President will have the opportunity to participate in the consideration process of the President’s impeachment as the co-rapporteur - Papuashvili

Wednesday and Thursday are the designated days during which we will have the opportunity to address the matter of the President"s impeachment. We will assess the progress of other pending issues and schedule the impeachment discussion accordingly. I will provide more detailed information when I present the draft resolution, the Speaker of the Parliament said at the plenary session of the Parliament.

He spoke in detail about the procedure for considering the issue of impeachment.

“Today, I will present the draft resolution, which, according to the regulations, outlines the schedule for discussion and voting. We have a two-week window to reach a decision, but given that we have a plenary session week, we can conduct discussions and hold a vote during this week. The format of the discussion will resemble that of the first reading of the issue. Initially, the speaker, who is one of the authors of the presentation, will present their position.

Subsequently, in accordance with regulations, the Parliament has the option to invite the relevant official, in this case, the President of Georgia, to participate in the discussion. I submitted the request for her participation yesterday, and we are awaiting her final response. It appears that the President wishes to take part, and if confirmed, we will extend an invitation to her as a co-rapporteur. There will be an opportunity for questions and clarifications directed at both the speaker and co-speaker.

In contrast to the first reading, committee speeches will not be featured since specific sectoral considerations are not applicable in this case. Instead, we will proceed directly to speeches from unaffiliated members, political groups, and factions. At the conclusion of this phase, the speaker, but not the co-rapporteur, will have the opportunity to deliver a closing speech. Following this, we will proceed with the vote. It’s worth noting that we require 100 votes to pass the impeachment”, - said Shalva Papuashvili.