19 September 2024,   05:16
President has already announced that she supports revolution. Everyone else who will protest against the Law on Assemblies and Manifestations, will directly admit that they want a revolution, we want peace - Kobakhidze

Those who protested or will protest to this bill, which is related to the regulation of assemblies and manifestations, are all supporters of the revolutionary scenario. Such a statement made today the Chairman of the Georgian Dream.

Irakli Kobakhidze also evaluated the veto of the law by the President.

“The President has already announced that she supports revolution. Everyone else who will protest against the Law on Assemblies and Manifestations, will directly admit that they want a revolution. We want peace.

Georgian society and the Government want peace and, of course, we will do everything to ensure peace, and this Draft Law is related to this goal", - added the Chairman of the ruling party.

The President of Georgia vetoed the amendments to the Law on Assemblies and Manifestations.