19 September 2024,   05:00
Our partners shared with us the concern that there are specific opposition figures on the opposition side who think that the decision on status should be postponed - Samnidze

Our partners shared with us the concern that there are specific opposition figures on the opposition side who think that the decision on status should be postponed. Such a statement made Khatuna Samnidze, MP from the opposition.

“They [international partners] tell me that they don’t understand what my message is: you say and make every effort that you need status, the country needs it. The Government comes and goes, the main thing is that the country receives its status, and it doesn’t matter what kind of Government the country has today - you tell me that some of your colleagues, especially women deputies, plan to make specific visits to specific capitals, and at present there are politicians in the opposition who send different messages to our international partners and I think hinder this decision-making process.

I’m telling you this for the first time on the air, this information has been around for a long time, but in recent days it has become even stronger and we have received more information from our international partners who confirmed that this is happening.

I want to ask our colleagues to come out and say this publicly, to convey their position to the public if they think it is correct. They know that this position is wrong”, - said Khatuna Samnidze.