19 September 2024,   05:23
How can you get bullied by Khoshtaria, who is living with rubles, and Zura-Girchi, who was running around naked - Kaladze

How can you get bullied by Khoshtaria, who is living with robles, and Zura-Girchi, who was running around naked, said the Mayor of Tbilisi, when answering a question that “Khoshtaria and Zurab - Girchi Japaridze have recently been making bullying statements towards politicians and other people”.

“I don’t know how Zura - Girchi and Elene Khoshtaria can bully you, it’s unbelievable. We should just have fun. If they speak positively about us, politicians, normal, honest people, it should be a shame, and vice versa - when they have this condition and perform such actions, we should be proud.

Elene Khoshtaria is living with rubles, and Zura-Girchi, pardon me, but was running around naked - how can you get bullied by them, we can only joke about such things and have fun”, - said Kakha Kaladze.